Friday, October 26, 2012

Uniform and First Flight!

The time is here, First Flight time (:
The time we have been anticipating on since tryouts in May!
Competition season is rolling right on in and I am so excited.

We got our uniforms in about a week ago! 

A better picture is well on its way! But look how cute it is (:

So since this is the official week of competition season time we have been working hard!
Here's some pics from our last Saturday practice!

Of course its no fun getting up early for cheer practice but it'll pay off when we bring home 1st place titles (:

I'm a beast! 

This is Cameron! He is a freshman at my school and we were talking one day and I came to find out he use to cheer for High Fly. So I drug him to practice one day and he's back and on our team now! I am so happy about having him on our squad.
We have 4 boys now btw! (:

I came across this picture today <3

The first picture was me on Halloween when I was about 3 years old, I was an Alabama cheerleader.
And the second one is me now, at 16 years old as an All Star cheerleader.

Cheerleading has been apart of my life for many years now. 
Although next season will be my last, I hope and pray that I have a little girl someday who is just in love with it as I am. I might be a little heartbroken if I don't.


This weekend is going to be lots of fun, and I can't wait to start this season with one of the best teams anyone could ever ask for. I love each and everyone of you guys <3 

More pictures to come after First Flight on Sunday (:

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