Sunday, May 19, 2013

Spring Game and Split the Pot

Friday night we had our annual Spring Game! This year it was a little different. It was held at Corner High school for the first time since I have been in high school, and instead of a regular football game, we had 3 other teams come! One all the way from East Tennessee. It was our head coaches college room mates football team! But, it decided to POUR that night. So the first two teams playing took FOREVER to complete their game cause they had to keep going inside because of the lightening. Us cheerleaders were shuffled from a concession stand on top of the softball/baseball complex, back to the field house where we stayed for about 2 hours. It was crazy! But by the time it was our turn to play, the rain had ceased and we were in the clear. It did decide to sprinkle a bit while we were cheering but that was okay :)

We started off with prayer! :) 

Sweet McKenzie

Us with our "hot" rain jackets ;) 

The next night, us seniors headed to a racetrack near by and we did a 50/50 split the pot, where we sell raffle tickets and at the end of the night we draw and the winner gets half of what we make! 
We ended with a total of $782 and went home with $391 :) 
This money is going towards our senior sweaters which are like lettermen jackets but sweaters :) 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Stunt Clinic

Stunt Clinic! 
This Saturday the Corner Varsity Cheerleaders headed to a UCA Stunt Clinic to help us further our stunting knowledge and better prepare us for camp in, wait for it, wait for it....12 DAYS!
I can't believe it! 
These past two months have flown by, way to fast actually. 
Plus, its my last year. 
I don't want it to be over ):

Here's some pictures from our Saturday! 

Shelbie & Kaeli
I've been cheering with these girls since I was in 8th grade. 

My sweet Casey, she'll be a sophomore this year :)

And last but not least, TATUM!

My stunt group!
The first time Scarlett pulled her heel stretch.
So proud of you and how far you've come this season already :)

My squad I am so blessed to be apart of.
This younger girls pictured with us are a few of the girls on the junior high squad 
at our middle school :)
They were in the advanced class with us

Love these girls so much :)

My favorite picture! :)

Stunting with Sydney aka Bubbles!
She cheered at High Fly with us :)

Bria! She also cheered at High Fly with us but now she is a UCA staffer!
So proud of you sweet girl!

LOVE this little one :) 

That was our weekend, cheerleading of course! 
This Friday night is our Spring Football game!
I am so excited to be able to cheer for my sweet Anthony again! 
Pictures to come soon!